Beyond Imagination

After my mystical adventure at Mt. Shasta, I checked my Buddhist’s relics, I was flabbergasted to see that new relics have manifested in the sealed container. I shared the pics to Master R. She was not surprised at all that it multiplied for me and stated there are now 13 more new relics.
When I visited her shrine a week ago, I saw the various types of relics and was especially drawn to the heart

shaped relics and the crystal ones.

Master Relica has given away many relics to Buddhist Monks, friends and Buddhist temples about 50 to 80 people. However, only 3.75% of the recipients had a manifestation or multiplied.

As I examined the relics I have more closely, I noticed there were both a heart shaped one and crystal ones now. It was my goal to experience the miracles of the relics directly to validate my own Divine and metaphysical experiences. I had no idea it would happen so fast. I am filled with reverence, humility and gratitude to God, the Universe, the great Buddha and the Great Masters for their blessings of the relics. These relics validate the proof of a Divine, Conscious and interactive Universe. We are not alone and the Universe is truly beautiful, Divine and Conscious. It patiently awaits for our awakening from our spiritual sleep and coma. It mourns at how we suffer through our collective ego perpetuated reality.

Wishing you infinite love and blessings!



The Relic
















I was fortunate to have met a great and mystical Buddhist Master. After meeting with her for a short time, she told me she could see the strong Buddhist Aura around me and knew that I had been a Buddhist Monk in one of my previous incarnations.
After we spoke for a short duration, she gave me a sacred beaded bracelet ( which contained relics of great spiritual masters from Sam Roi Yod ), and asked me to meditate with it. Despite not knowing her that well, she also gave me the most precious and sacred gift of all- the relics of the Buddha.

I have seen a relic at the Mystical Hua Zhang Zi Buddhist Temple and have heard of Rinpoches who own it. Hence, I was flabbergasted and overjoyed to have received it. It is truly an honor to be given such a Divine and sacred gift.

Relics are the crystals that are present after the body of a spiritual master is cremated. Only the highest spiritual master will have that when they die.
The relics represents the spiritual masters ability to transcend death and the laws of karma and have reached enlightenment. Buddha had relics when he ascended.
I have met saints, gurus and spiritual masters but this Master is different than all I have met.
This master meditates daily and relics of various yogis materializes in her shrine. The day before that happens, an ascended master tells the master that a relic will appear and whose relics they are.

After she receives it, she gives offerings of flowers in gratitude to the Universe and the Buddha. The amazing thing is that they will begin to multiply in time. This master was given her first seven relics of Buddha from the mystical Buddhist Master Pranut. Initially she didn’t know what it was for.  He later revealed that he was her master in a previous life and told her he was giving her something special- the relics of Buddha.

After keeping the relics for several years, the master began getting very spiritual and began to reach greater mastery. It was then her relics began to  multiply from 7 relics to 1000 in a course of time. Many she has donated to various Buddhist temples. Few knew that her master was an exceptional master until his death. He predicted his death and was able to transcend the laws of karma and attain liberation like most great Yogis and spiritual masters. He reached an ascended state of consciousness and still communicates with his disciple, the great master I just met recently. Two years after Pranut reached ascension, the great master I met began to have visions in meditations of holding a box of relics. As she continued with her devotion. cultivation and spiritual mastery, more and more relics began to appear and manifest. Many other great Buddhist Master have been able manifest these relics including Master Jarm but he and many others have attained ascension already. There are still some in the planet that can do this still including this master that I met. She has been receiving relics from the Universe since 2005 and continues to this very day.

I meditated last night with the beaded bracelet and placed the relic on my shrine. The meditation was quite vivid and mystical. I could see many Buddhists masters meditating around me. My consciousness expanded into the Universe like it normally does but this time I could see a thousand petals falling down from the heavens and blessing the Universe and Earth. I got many messages and vision as well. I began to see the past life of this great master and now I finally realized why she gave me those sacred relics. Like Pranut and her, we had been spiritual friends in the past and are reunited in this incarnation for a greater cause.

The relics of Buddha has brought much more peace and purity around my shrine and place of worship and devotion.

According to the Master, she once came out of meditation and saw three orbs of light entering the vessel of Buddha’s relics and they lingered for about 3 minutes then disappeared.

Although the relic is much more precious and valuable than gold, silver, money, treasures and even a genuine ancient Dzi bead that is one to two thousand years old, it is a bridge between our realm and the spiritual realm. In fact, the Master stated that she once gave some relics to friends but they began to disappear due to their life style that lacked spirituality. Through devotion, prayer and meditation and living out of love and compassion, the Universe has repeatedly blessed this Master with a plethora of relics.

The relics represent a Divine and Conscious awareness of the Universe that is interactive and not passive. I am trying to convince this master to have it scientifically analyzed to find out the chemical properties of the relics. It should be quite interesting and enlightening to find out.

She has allowed me to share some pics but I was requested to keep her identity anonymous.

Apparently, I was guided to meet this great Master who will lead me to an even higher degree of spiritual mastery. I am  thankful to God, the Ascended Masters and the GWB for allowing our paths to cross to share this beautiful and incredible story of Truth.

OM Mani Padme Hom!

