A Butterfly Tale

Yesterday my niece found a plastic sword while cleaning. She began swinging it and accidentally clipped a beautiful butterfly. She immediately called over to me and told me she accidentally killed a butterfly.
I ran over and found this lifeless butterfly on the ground. Its’ right wing was severely deviated towards the left pass her mid-line of her body and was adducted.

I immediately gingerly spread the right wing back into better alignment to maximize flow, energy and perception to the wing.

I then placed it next to a branch to encourage it to move its legs and it only moved minimally.
I felt much compassion towards this helpless and severely injured butterfly so I decided to just take an extended break to focus some intense healing on it.
I walked away from everyone and cupped the butterfly in my hands as I prayed and decreed for healing energy to be given to this precious little being. A few minutes later, it started to flap its wing and flew off my hands to the ground below me. When it landed it flapped its wing more and more and started to move about.

I was so excited and flabbergasted that I grabbed my cell phone to try and capture this precious moment and miracle. Unfortunately, the battery was low and I couldn’t record it and I was too excited and the picture came out blurry but from the picture we can see the energy and movements of the butterfly and its wings.
I later placed it near a branch so it could ground itself from the shock and get acclimated further. It grabbed the branch with its front legs with moderately more strength and began to be much more animated.
I went to charge up my phone for a few minutes so I could take some better pic but by the time I came back, it had apparently felt well enough and took off.
I was honored to be a witness of this little miracle and so glad that the Universe, God and Masters had blessed this Divine Being with healing love and energy through my hands.

All Creatures great and small are Divine and should always be approached and treated with respect, love and mercy.


