Things have been extremely challenging for the past 6 months. It is very easy to be very discouraged especially when you find out later that those you thought were your friends were only interested in what they can get out of you. Then you find out they have done things to jeopardize and sabotage your life in a metaphysical way that negatively impacted all aspects of your life. Then there are those that I have helped throughout the years and had the audacity to tell me that I didn’t help them in their darkest hour when clearly I did and even abandoned me at the critical time of a very important literary project. Some people only see in one dimension and don’t realize how help comes in many forms- job opportunity, financial support, emotional support, prayers, spiritual support, friendship, etc. Fortunately, my family and true friends came forth to help me navigate through all this metaphysical journey. God also sent great and well-known healers and mystics to give me the extra help I needed. Yay! I also got injured about a few months ago during Yoga and Pilates. I hurt my shoulder and had much pain from my right shoulder all the way to my hand making it difficult for me to write and sleep. I gave myself therapy, took herbs, CBD oil and self- massage, and self-stone massage. The pain subsided by 60-75% but would always come back especially at night and waking me up. I tried massage therapy and acupuncture and they helped a lot! Somehow the pain would come back and mostly at night. I knew it was my rotator cuff muscles and pectoralis muscle but somehow I intuitively knew there was some type of shoulder impingement going on. I went to a very excellent orthopedic shoulder specialist. He took x rays of my shoulder and found that the bones were good and that it was indeed a shoulder impingement of my rotator cuff muscle. It was a mechanical issue that needed stretching to create better alignment of my shoulder with its socket. So my doc sent me to Physical Therapy to work on stretching, exercises and therapy to realign my shoulder and I am feeling much better and sleeping much better. Yay! I also developed gout on my left toe and was unable to walk a few days. I treated it with ice to cool the swelling and did energetic healing which helped as well. My dear friend Lori did distant healing and it took down the pain moderately. Finally I took some Tart Cherry and the pain cleared completely the next day. During my trying moments, it was easy to want to give up and lose hope for humanity; however, I persisted to stay focus on my meditation practice and followed the guidance of the Ascended Masters on my healing and recovery and continued evolution of my spirituality. When I began to listen more to my Divine Presence within, I was guided to these principles- balance, discernment, forgiveness and compassion. I was also guided to realize the importance of not just helping others but helping myself as well. I was too busy working so hard with my clients and my book that I neglected my health and my family. I have slowed down with work, spent more time with my wife and family, started a new cutting edge cleansing and started exercising more ( after I got injured, I stopped exercising and gained 20 lbs). I now feel better, lost 8 lbs already and have found my spiritual center again. My connections with the Ascended Masters have been quite good and I even developed a new form of exercise after being homebound more because of the Coronavirus. The exercise is an extension of my U.U.M.M. practice. I have found greater peace, happiness and joy. Despite the turbulence in my life, I have learned a lot. I have learned how to have more discernment, live a more balanced life, surrender more to God and the Ascended Masters, forgive, have more compassion and to let go of all that which is not leading to the highest good for me including clients, superficial friends or opportunist. I have learned that many people align themselves or belong to a groups, organizations, churches temples, etc. Each have their own agenda, focus, dogma, doctrines, teachings but few are receptive to ideas that may deviate from theirs. In all fairness, some do. I encourage all groups to be more open minded to information and knowledge that creates more unity. It sadden me a little when I posted good information to a group on how to navigate through this Coronavirus crisis and another post about my mystical experiences but the two postings were removed from the group with no explanation. I now realize that even a spiritual group may not always welcome ideas that empower and end suffering. However, I continue to write and share wisdom to those who are willing to listen and learn here in FB and my blog site at I haven’t blogged in a while but started to do it again since the Coronavirus pandemic started and people from all around the world are embracing what I wrote from Canada, US, Australia, Bhutan, UK, India, etc. And that is just a start. I have about 77 blogs and close to 80 thousand hits to my site. Time to move forward and upward to God’s Love, Light and Consciousness! During the Coronavirus Pandemic, we must embrace this precious time for it is an invitation to reflect, analyze, learn ( about your health and immune system), grow, unite and go within. It too is an opportunity for great growth for us individually and collectively especially if we learn to truly awaken from our spiritual sleep or coma. Wishing you success on your own journey back home. Wishing you all infinite love, blessings and wisdom!
Finding My Way Back Home