About The Author

Sir Blake Sinclair is a writer and author of Dare to Imagine and Beyond Imagination. He is a native of San Francisco, is a mystic, philosopher, Grand Knight Commander of the Royal Equestrian Order of Michael Archangel and is the Good Will Ambassador of the Royal House of Ghassan. He is a also a certified Health Coach, is certified in the Kloud unit PEMF technology, and is a humanitarian and has extensive background in the medical field as a licensed occupational therapist with over 30 years of experience in the rehabilitation industry. His skills are diverse and he integrates eastern (acupressure, meditation, energy medicine, Tai Chi principles, etc.) and western techniques. He has had training in Hypnosis, Reiki as well as Psych-K. His techniques has been described as eclectic, efficient, intense and highly effective.

Sir Blake’s specialty is in neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation especially with issues of the upper extremity although he does general rehabilitation as well. He has been a director of rehabilitation at facilities since 1990, and was eventually promoted to be an area manager/ cluster coordinator managing six rehabilitation departments at six skilled nursing facilities. He eventually started his own company in 2004 which he still owns, runs and successfully manages. He continues to provide therapy services to a limited amount of clients throughout the Bay Area but he has a team of clinicians that also services his clients in the San Francisco Bay Area who include a physical, occupational, speech therapist, medical social worker and registered nursing).

His clients have included physicians, surgeons, nurses, fire fighters, police officers, physical therapists, artists, lawyers, CEOs, healers ( Reiki Masters) and including family members of people from the above professions. He has seen clients as young as seven years of age to those who are 107 years of age. 

He was given the gift of vision at a very early age. At a young age, he found himself tuning into the Cosmic Energy but it was decades later he began to understand it. When he was a teenager, he had he a vision of how cars would one day have some type of sensor that would affect car safety. 40 years later cars began having various sensors that would increase car safety. During his young adult years, he began to see the vision of his soul as it began to descend to earth for his current incarnation. He saw the purpose of this incarnation at that time but did not make that connection until decades later when he began to go through his spiritual awakening. Later in his life, he had a vision of the future where he saw technology being fueled by electromagnetic energy. He saw how public transportation would soar above us like in a science fiction movie.

He also has spontaneous visions when he heals. Many times he can see the future outcomes and progress of his clients before he starts working with them.

Sir Blake is also an internationally recognized blogger. He blogs about spirituality, health (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being) and metaphysics. He blogs about things that motivate, inspire and unify people to finding the greatness they all have inside of each other and all creatures great and small.

His books have been read from people from all walks of life from health care practitioners, physicians, nurses, healers, mystics, spiritual masters, film directors, teachers, a former principal, a high school senior, many college students and young adults who are seekers, etc. Even a 107 year old woman has read his first book and loved it!

His books have made its way to descendants of several royal families or their heirs, a  few Catholic Priests, a Monsignor, an Episcopal Bishop, a Daoist Spiritual Leader, a Buddhist Master as well as one of the top scientist of our time. Amma, the famous hugging saint, has a copy of Dare to Imagine at her Armrita University Library and has a personal copy of Beyond Imagination. It has even made its way to the homes of one of Disney’s top artist, a football iconic figure, legend and Hall of Famer as well as the creator of Marvel Universe- Stan Lee. 

He uses social media to further support and impact the world though Facebook, Instagram and through his blogs. He has been followed by some in the entertainment industries including professional actors, models, film directors, producers ( film and TV), writers, artists, etc.

Sir Blake has been interviewed by the film director of “Trigger”, Christopher Folkens as a part of a great initiative to help save many lives around the world from suicide. Sir Blake’s interview will be part of documentary to support the film and narratives to be done to facilitate this major campaign.  Chris’s current film is now complete and has won multiple awards. After reading Dare to Imagine, this is what he had to say, this book is fantastic. I acknowledge Sir Blake for creating a powerful example of what is possible in the world when we rise above the circumstances life presents us and choose a life of freedom. I hope all get a chance to check out this powerful work!

In the summer before Beyond Imagination was published, Sir Blake was a guest on the Ghost Finder Show and was interviewed by Rob Thompson, TV Show Host/Producer and Paranormal Investigator at “Ghost Finders.” His interview was aired on TV on Oct 13, 2015 as part of a Mount Shasta special about spirituality. Sir Blake’s new book commercial airs on every episode of Ghost Finders. In February 2024, Blake began  to share publicly about a family secret- his father was involved in the Roswell Incident of 1947. Before his father passed away, he shared with Sir Blake that he developed the pictures for the famous UFO crash. That info was shared to the media by his publicist and soon he was invited to many shows which eventually landed him a very important and historic interview with Coast to Coast AM show ( the number one paranormal show in the world). Through all the interest with his dad, he began to search further regarding his dad’s mysterious past and discovered that he was involved with the following historic events:

1. He was one of the photographers who filmed the famous testing of Trinity ( the first atomic bomb) at Los Alamos.
2. He filmed and photographed top secret V2 rockets that were retrieved from the Nazis.
3. He photographed the famous Roswell Incident and developed the pictures. All this motivated Sir Sir Blake to begin his own search for his own connections in the world of ufology. His search eventually led to his realization of his own personal connections with ETs throughout his life. 

He also collaborated with Tetsu Shiratori, an award winning film director in Japan, with getting the research information from his award winning documentary film, Inori Prayer: Conversation with Something Great, to support the various spiritual principles of Sir Blake’s second book-Beyond Imagination. The film discusses prayer and this Divine Invisible presence (Something Great) from a scientific point of view. Guest speakers include Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Lynne McTaggart.

He was interviewed by Dana Leipold, author, blogger and writer and Mt. Shasta Author’s Guild regarding his success as an author.

In addition, Sir Blake has been invited by the S.O.P.P. group (Symphony of Peace Prayers) to be an active participant and representative of spirituality in their local Oakland branch for the past four years.

In 2015, he opened the ceremony with a mystical prayer which was well received by the group which included a Hindu Priest, representatives from the Native American Tribe, representatives from the Christian faith and group members of the S.O.P.P.  This is a global interfaith group that convenes worldwide to pray for peace to every country around the world to help spread world peace and unity. This group is spearheaded by Mrs. Masami Saionji, a Stanford graduate, author, spiritual leader, Chairperson of the World Peace Prayer Society and is a descendant of the royal Ryukyu family in Okinawa.

In 2016, he visited the Fuji Sanctuary and met with the editor and PR person for the sanctuary. Afterwards he was invited to do a private recorded interview by them which has been published in their Byakko Magazine Vol.24, No, 2 Issue 140. 

During his trip to Japan, he also met with Maki Saionji Kawamura, the Managing Director of Goi Peace Foundation in Japan, Yuka Saionji, Deputy Chairperson of Byakko Shinko Kai and and Rika Saionji, the Vice President of the the World Peace Prayer Society to discuss about how to collaborate with their vision of world peace and how to unite Mt. Fuji and Mt. Shasta in a spiritual partnership.

Sir Blake was invited to be a presenter at the Annual The Best of Mt. Shasta 2017 Conference.

Sir Blake was invited by Dr. Alex Feng, Grand Master of Martial art, Taoist Master, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( He is one of the top ten top Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner in the Bay Area), Qi Gong Master, Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Director of Integration Medicine at Highland Hospital, to give a lecture about Mysticism in their Daoist Conference in October 15, 2019. After lecturing at this event, he was guided by the Universe to meet Grandmaster Zhang Yuan Ming, a direct descendant of the Yellow Emperor. An instant friendship and bond ensued after they met and conversed.

Sir Blake had a successful recorded interview with Ric Bratton, a well-known TV and Radio personality and host of This Week in America on April 30, 2020 about his first book Dare to Imagine where he shared about his book, about miracles and about his personal story with Amma, the Hugging Saint.  Ric has  worked with many famous people including Larry King, Jay Leno and Katy Couric. The Ric Bratton Show was the longest-running and highest-rated local TV talk show in the country. The audio interview can be heard at:


Video Interview with Ric Bratton

Sir Blake’s goal is to impact the world through a diverse approach- through his weekly Facebook postings, blogs, his personal contacts and therapy services, his business therapy services, his involvement with Chris Folken’s initiatives to help decrease the incidence of suicide around the world,  his involvement on the TV show, Ghost Finders, on bringing spirituality into more of the mainstream awareness, his ongoing involvement with the S.O.P.P group, his Golden book series (Dare to Imagine, Beyond Imagination and the third title to be revealed in October 31, 2020) and public speaking and teachings. He looks forward to future opportunities of producing innovative meditation and spiritual CDs and audio downloads.

He has completed his third book which is the third of his trilogy series in 2020. It contains the latest cutting edge information on nutrition and  spirituality. It will make a huge impact on ending the physical, emotional and spiritual suffering that so many people are afflicted with. He will take spirituality, meditation and nutrition up a whole new level that will bring harmony to the individual, planet and Universe. Stay tuned for the secrets that will revolutionize how we see spirituality and wellness.

Besides his literary works, he is actively involved in community outreach program and has been actively involved with a Bahaii Faith local group guiding the group in meditation, prayers and spiritual talk for about a year.

Sir Blake is the founder of the U.U.M.M. meditation practice method and the I AM Wellness Method. He has dedicated his life to sharing spiritual teachings to help others on the path of enlightenment, God realization and world peace. He has been called a teacher, healer, master and guru. One spiritual master called him an advanced spiritual being and stated he was an embodiment of an advanced Tibetan Lama and said he was a  Panchen Lama. Although he is not Tibetan in this incarnation, he has a very eerie semblance with Nyala Pema Dundal, a famous Tibetan spiritual master who re-introduced the concept of the Rainbow Body to the Tibetan people and achieved Rainbow Body in 1872 and his ascension was observed by 500 people. All his students achieved it as well. 

One of the top ten psychics in the world has called him a channeler while one spiritual scholar and ancient soul called him “a healer…..and all around awakened shaman.” Romarishi Siddha, internationally recognized spiritual teacher, Tea Master, Founder of the Universal Fellowship of Light, posted this about him on Facebook. “We have known and studied with many great spiritual masters (some world famous) in our lives, but Blake is without a doubt one of the most spiritually evolved people we have ever met. We highly recommend his two books, “Dare to Imagine” and “Beyond Imagination- A Path To God And The Divine Realm.”

Master Romio Shrestha, ( renown modern master and genius of the Indo-Nepali-Tibetan Buddhist traditions of enlightenment art, and his Thangkas can be found in many of the finest museums including the British Museum of Fine Art) stated that Blake Sinclair is a gift to humanity. 

A mystic has also called him a disciple of the Great White Brotherhood (the brotherhood of Light and Love). He, however, refers to himself as a brother who was once lost but now am found, was blind and now he sees. Many have called him a healer and Master Blake.

In June of 2018, he met a Buddhist Master, alias Master Relica. He was immediately recognized by Master Relica as a Tibetan Buddhist Monk who reached high attainment in his past life. Master Relica is a mystical Buddhist Master who has a special connection with Buddha’s relics and the relics of many Arahants and spiritual masters. The Universe has been blessing her with a plethora of sacred relics that manifest from the Universe into her shrine on a regular basis in either a sealed container or on offering trays to Buddha that are filled with flowers and or candles. The Master is always told ahead of time ( a day in advance) by her Ascended Master when new relics would appear and whose relics they are. Many of her relics have been donated to Buddhist Monks, Buddhist Temples and close friends only. Out of 80 given away, only 3.5% of the recipients multiplied. Some even disappeared due to lack of devotion and spirituality of the recipient.  One to two weeks after Blake received his first relic of Buddha, he went to Mt. Shasta as part of his regular pilgrimage and visited Peter Mt. Shasta and later went to the sacred Tibetan Stupa at the sacred mountain to pray. When he returned home, he noticed that new relics had manifested in the sealed container that was given to him. He immediately notified Master Relica about the miraculous occurrence. She confirmed that he did in fact have 13 new relics of Buddha. Some were crystals while one was even heart shaped. This validated to him further about the Divine Consciousness of Universe that is conscious, aware and is interactive.

On June 7th 2018, Sir Blake did his U.U.M.M. meditation practice and a Buddhist Master appeared to him. This master was new to Blake but after discussing about this great visit from the Ascended Master with Master Relica and looking over various pictures of the great masters she is connected with, he quickly realized that it was Venerable Master Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo. It is said that he is the reincarnation of King Asoka of India. The next day he was invited to visit a Buddhist temple by Master Lee and was shock to later discover that the temple was named after the great master, Venerable Master Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo. Eventually Ajahn Lee’s master Master Mun began to appear to Blake on various occasions and has guided him in his spiritual mastery as well. 

A spiritual master, Mikaelah Cordeo, PhD, invited Sir Blake to be a Master Teacher at the her educational training program for spiritual mastery later this year. Many of the teachers have 20 – 40 years of spiritual experiences.

He has even been called a Spiritual Hero because of all his service, healing and teachings to people from all works of life including spiritual masters.

He eventually met Felix Fojas a famous exorcist, spiritual warrior, healer, poet and writer on January 23rd 2020 and they became good friends. Felix had a clear vision and remembered Sir Blake in a previous incarnation in Tibet where they were both studying under the Buddhist Master and Yogi Milarepa.

A Metaphysical Medium, Reiki Master, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and  Hypnotherapist felt a strong connection with Sir Blake when they met and eventually discovered why. She realized he was the reincarnation of Dr. Mikao Usui and she had studied from the direct lineage to this founder of Reiki. Hence, she felt a strong connection with him despite not meeting with him in this incarnation.

On July 18th, 2020 a shaman was guided to contact Blake after being prompted by Master Choa Chok Sui, Kwan Yin and Mahaguruji Mei Ling aka Padmasambhava to do so. In a short time, Sir Blake was guided to ask her if she knew anything about Ascension. Interestingly enough she replied that she was an Ascension Guide and later they found out that they shared many of the same Ascended Masters. What ensued is that it was an incredible moment of synchronicity. Although Sir Blake’s book has been formally sent to his publisher, there was a short window of time to include unique Ascension tips from this ancient soul and Ascended Being. Fortunately, that wisdom of information will be shared in Blake’s upcoming book which is slated to be released within October 2020.

In 2022, the Avatar and Indian Saint Ananda Mayi Ma appeared to Sir Blake in a visionary dream directing him to learn more about her through one of her top disciples Acharya Mangalananda through his music, kirtan and teachings. Several months later, they met and a friendship was born and through Swami’s kirtan and teachings especially about Ma’s meditation method, she began appearing to Sir Blake and has been guiding him ever since. 

On March of 2023, Sir Blake received a call from Master Romio Shrestha. They talked for a bit but the renown world famous Tibetan and enlightenment artist asked if Sir Blake could help him get his artwork into the Asian Art Museum. He said we might want to petition 10,000 signatures to help get his art there. Sir Blake offered to help and through a twist of fate, he was able to contact the museum and convince him to welcome Romio’s art into the Asian Art Museum. Romio stated “we need more light workers like you in the world and you are a blessing to humanity.”

On March of 2023, Sean Stone, film director, talk show host, actor and son of Oliver Stone contacted Sir Blake to have an interview about ” spirituality.” The interview was done on April 2023 and can be viewed on his instagram account therealseanstone.

On October 2023, Sir Blake received and alert from his I AM Presence nudging him to contact Prince Gharios. Hence, Sir Blake contacted his royal highness about meeting up at a charity event they were both attending. To his surprise, his royal highness had agreed. They met and had a great talk and Prince Gharios was gifted two of Sir Blake’s books. Several weeks later, HIRH’s Lord Chancellor stated that Prince Gharios wanted to personally invite Sir Blake to be a knight commander in his humanitarian order to help build up the commandery in Northern California. Sir Blake accepted the offer and worked diligently with the Lord Chancellor Christian and quickly built up the commandery with extraordinary Knights and Dames. During November 11, 2023, he was promoted to be the Grand Knight Commander of California and Southwestern states. He was also promoted to be the Goodwill Ambassador of the Royal House of Ghassan where he continues to serve his royal highness to this very day in his humanitarian efforts. Those who attended the event in support of Sir Blake included a famous actress, model, an oracle, a healer and actor and a direct descendant of Confucius.

On October, 2023, Sir Blake had a wonderful opportunity to meet one of the direct descendants of Confucius Dr. Kong. They became friends right away after they met and continue to be friends to this day. Dr. Kong attended Sir Blake’s formal and auspicious knighting event in November. On February 15th,  2024, Sir Blake will be doing a podcast interview with Michael Parker, podcast host of Spreaker.

Sir Blake is connected with healers, spiritual masters and humanitarians from all around the world including mystics at sacred mountains including Mt. Shasta and Mt. Fuji and business moguls and tycoons. 

With regards to healing, he has facilitated many people including other healers and spiritual masters to attain wellness. He has even helped some animals to heal and recover. Many of the healing he does seem to defy scientific explanations and are what we know as miracles which he has written in his books and blogs. He has done direct healing as well as distant healing.

A mystic, healer and exorcist stated Sir Blake’s ability to manifest is very strong. Blake, however, feels he is nothing more than an instrument of God to heal and manifest and that we all have the potential to be instruments of God to facilitate healing. The true healer is God and his powerful Love for us. Some of the miracles he has been a part of is helping an individual who lost sight of one eye and be able see again, helping a dog heal a dysfunctional hip and walk normal again, and helping individuals heal from various illnesses.

He has a special connection with birds and animals. He also feels a certain affinity with St. Francis of Assisi and Ascended Master Kuthumi. He is most connected with Ascended Master Guan Yin, Master Mun,  Ajahn Lee, Lord Lanto and Buddha but he has other Ascended Masters that he is connected with including Saint Germain, Babaji, El Morya, the Maha Chohan, Jesus, Mother Mary and Guru Nanak. The Masters have guided him in his awakening, spiritual evolution and spiritual mastery.

Some of his clients have said the following before they knew anything about his background- “you are very powerful and will help many people!” ” You have a golden hand. I could feel your energy and my arm feels better after you touched it. You have a beautiful aura.” ” I see the Light in you and you have a beautiful aura. I can see blue light all around you.”

He is one of many who has opened his heart, mind and soul to God and has been blessed with the gift or key that will unlock the door to the path of  truth that leads to Divine Light, Love and Consciousness of our Creator or Source. 

For more info check the below website:
