Chasing Longevity, a Judy Feng Liu’s View special about Xian.


Chasing Longevity

According to the American Historical Association, China has the longest continuous history of any country in the world—3,500 years of written history. Consequently, there is a plethora of material to discuss or write about.

Join me today as I write about one of China’s gem- Xi’an (西xī安ān, literally meaning Western Peace), where was once known as Chang’an ( 长cháng安ān, literally meaning Eternal Peace).

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The Gift


I have been meditating for quite some time and have achieved much mastery since I first started. I learned how to open my heart to the Universe and was blessed with the gift of a comprehensive meditation system I call U.U.M.M.( United Universal Meditation Method). I unveiled this system in my new book-Beyond Imagination.

After practicing this system for quite some time, I began to be blessed with various gifts including vision, healing, writing and clairvoyance. My consciousness has increased and expanded dramatically. I noticed that I am developing an uncanny and accurate diagnostic skill. I have noticed that I know a diagnosis before seeing a doctor or vet. After seeing the health care provider, they tell me exactly the diagnosis that popped in my mind.

My brother-in-law had pain on his foot and what popped in my mind was a heel spur and when he went to his doctor and received an xray, he was given the same diagnosis. I got two red spots on my stomach today and went to the Dermatologist. What popped into my mind was a spider bite. After the adroit doctor examined it, she said it was a spider bite. It is cool but I realize that these gifts are just blessings from God. I am not better by having it nor worse without it.

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How to have sunshine on a rainy day.

RON LEW NEW AD 1Depression is a debilitating illness that afflicts about 5 % of the population or 350 million people worldwide.  Although some degree of depression every now and then is normal, severe depression can be quite crippling and if untreated can lead an individual to committing suicide.

The bad news is that so many people are not getting the help and support system they need and end up committing suicide. According to, a person commits suicide every 40 seconds which is about  1 million per year. That figure is quite staggering and appalling.

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Always Dare to Imagine and never stop dreaming.

Never ceasee to creamWho would have imagined that I would one day become a writer, author and blogger. It was about four years ago that my friends encouraged me to write. I didn’t take them seriously at first but decided to write for fun. As I wrote, I began to magically transform from a mild mannered introverted Clark Kent into something extraordinary. I never felt so alive in my life as I did when I wrote. Then one day I dared to imagine myself being a writer and author despite the odds against me. I just surrendered to the process and the rest is history.

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To Kill A Mockingbird Ego

BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA 2Ego is not a welcomed guest in the house of  the spiritual masters. It prevents us from finding our true self and keeps us trapped in the world of illusion. Some may ask if it is possible not to have an ego because if we didn’t have one, we would be able to manifest more miraculous things  in our lives. Unfortunately, when we were given our life, our ego was part of the package deal.

Having an ego is not necessary a bad thing. Everything we have in our body and consciousness was put there for a reason. We need an ego to have a sense of self and others. The problem is when it becomes dysfunctional or out of control. When it does, we may think we are God separate from God. We think in terms of us against them. We may succumb to our desires, lust and wants.

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Technology that can change the world.

Never ceasee to creamTechnology is a double edge sword as I frequently tell people. However, sometime and many times it could make a difference in the lives of many as I have recently discovered. I am probably a caveman when it comes to technology. It took me a long time to finally get my first smart phone. I loved it and it was quite useful for many years but it had exceeded its purpose as it began to show signs of its expiration. It was starting to have one too many brain farts and had heart attacks almost on a daily basis and during the last moments of its existence, it had heart attacks 6-8 times per day. Each time I had to do CPR by pressing down on the on button to reactivate it to life.

Sometimes I would do 3 to 5 compressions of on and off before it would revive but finally the day came when I had to bid it farewell as I return its body to his creator so that he can be renovated and revitalized with a new surge of energy and renewed life. Once its body was sent to a new owner, that person would re-animate him and direct its new reality and functions so the reincarnation or rebirth continues. LOL!

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長生きと不死 Longevity and Immortality (A special edition Japanese Version)

文明の始まりより、人々は執拗に不老不死への道を探求してきた。 聖書によれば、ある者は何百年も生き、969歳、果ては1000歳という記述がある。『アセンション』の著者、スーザン・シャムスキーは、中国人のリー・チン・ユン師は少なくとも250歳まで生きたと書いている。 ユン師は、500歳のタオイストに出会い、古代から伝わる長寿の方法を習ったとあり、バ・クア(八卦掌)という運動がその秘訣だと答えている。私はこの方法をよく知っている。 私のカンフーの恩師がスタジオで毎日これを練習していたからだ。その恩師は、何年たっても外見が変わらず、チャイナタウンを快活に闊歩していた。となれば、その話もまんざら嘘ではないと思う。

ユン師は又、山中で、薬草採取をする男に出会ったとも言っている。この男はとても早足で歩き、精悍で、ゴジの実を集めていたそうだ。 ユン師は先人に習い従って、長寿を成し遂げたのだ。 ニューヨークタイムズ紙が1933年5月6日に“驚異的な250歳の男”の死亡記事を掲載している。

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Turbocharge your prayer

BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA 19Many studies have been done that  prove that prayer really does work and that positive changes can happen because of it. The movie, Inori: Conversation with something Great, talks a lot about the various scientific studies of prayer. I highly recommend this movie to any spiritual or religious group. It is in Japanese but has English subtitle but the special guest are well worth watching  including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart,  etc.  The film was directed and produced by award winning Japanese movie director, Tetsu Shiratori.

Prayer is a common tool used in most if not all religions. It is a tool that we use to connect to God and with each other. Prayer to me is is our way with connecting with each other and God through the Divine Cosmic web of God’s Love, Energy and Consciousness. I see what many people praying but only doing  it with  lip service. Many of these people do it from an intellectual level with no emotional connection whatsoever. There is nothing wrong with that but I truly believe we can turbo charge and amplify the power and effect of prayer if we just add a few additional steps.

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RON LEW NEW AD 11What is spirituality? We hear this word used a lot and sometimes I wonder if people really understand what it is all about.

I once  met this  girl who said she was very spiritual but yet she does things that blatantly hurt and violates others. She later justifies her actions by saying she has to take care of herself.

Many people think that spirituality is about opening the third eye or getting mystical powers.  However, I have met so many people who had their third eye opened and are not spiritual. Many have opened their third eye and are so obsessed with their perceptions or visions and are distracted from the true path of spirituality.  So many people focus so much effort on opening the third eye chakra that they neglect to open the heart chakra which is the gateway to the Divine Presence within us. It is more important to tune in to the Divine Presence within us than see all the fascinating visions or perceptions. Opening our heart chakra helps us to have discernment with what we are perceiving in the inner realm.

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Creating Unity and Harmony

I love people and  connecting with people from all walks of life. What I have learned throughout the years is that it really helps when we begin to learn a little something about others. I have always tried my best to learn a little something from each culture that I deal with. For instance, I try to learn a little greeting from various ethnic groups  I encounter.

After many years of learning, I have accumulated greetings in 13 to 14 languages. The important thing is not how many languages I have learned but what I have found out is that when I show an attempt to greet the person in their language or learn a little something about their culture, it opens many doors for me and gives an extra bonus to helping me with my rapport with my new friend or client.  I have connected with people at a much deeper level by making an effort to learn more about them and trying to understand them more from their own context and perspectives.

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