Harmony = Health for One and for All

What is health? Is it the absence of illnesses and diseases or is it something more profound.

For me, health and harmony are synonymous. When our cells, tissues, organs, systems are working in harmony we get good health. When there is impairment of an organ, it may affect other organs and body functions. When we understand ourselves better, we can begin to achieve greater harmony and health.

Modern medicine is not about harmony but more about attacking the symptoms. Sometimes that is all it takes to help someone but what are symptoms? They are our body’s way of calling our attention to some issue or it an invitation to learn more about ourselves to help us grow and be more of who we are meant to be.

Our bodies are quite complex and have various layers or levels. We have emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies. They are interconnected and intertwined. Impairment or disharmony of one of these bodies affects another.

Factors that affect our harmony include stress, poor nutrition, and accumulation of toxins in our bodies from food, water, air and the environment. Other factors include our genetic predisposition, our beliefs and our attitude. Metaphysical factors include our karma and psychic attacks.

Achieving harmony is hard work but doable. Here are some tips on how to achieve it:

1. Eat organic and from the color of the rainbow
2. Eat your way towards a diet that is more vegetarian
3. Exercise
4. Meditate daily
5. Live life with passion and joy
6. Drink healthy purified or filtered water
7. Do regular cleansing or detox
8. Work on developing a healthy gut
9. Take the supplements, vitamins or herbs your body needs.
10. Get annual medical exams to monitor your blood work or body chemistry
11. Laugh, laugh and laugh
12. Release anger by always forgiving
13. Learn how to love, receive love, give love and be love.
14. Do things you enjoy and be with people you love or who love you.
15. Pray for yourself and others
16. Be of service
17. Avoid judgement

I am one with my car when I drive. When there is some slight deviation or aberration in the car, I notice it right away. Many times I can detect things before the mechanic can even find it. The slight deviations are the cars way of telling us what’s wrong. Similarly, our body communicates to our consciousness through what we know as symptoms. The symptoms are messengers of our soul telling us that there is disharmony and to slow down and be still to see what lesson there is to learn. Louise Hayes has written extensively about how the different problems we have in life may have a spiritual, psychological and emotional origins and she gives examples of affirmations of empowerment and insight to help resolve the various issues.

Today I just had a wheel alignment for my car to make sure me, my car and the road are in harmony. Our physical body needs alignment as well. It starts with our base of support and include our posture, seating, bed we sleep on and spinal alignment.

Having a a good pair of walking shoe gives the proper support of our ankles, knees and hips. When they are off alignment, we may have back, hip and joint pains. Chiropractics, Physical Therapy and Yoga can help with some of these alignment issues. 

Meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi can bring balance of body, mind and spirit. Reiki, sound healing and other forms of energy work can bring balance to our chakras. Meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi can help as well.

The ultimate balance for life is love, a Divine Love. It is the Cosmic Glue that animates all life and holds everything together. When we learn to allow its energy and radiance to flow through us, we achieve peace, bliss and harmony. When we learn to tap into this love planted deep within our heart and learn to nurture it allow it to fill our entire being, we become Love. After this happens, we must expand that love to all we meet and with all creatures great and small on the planet. When this happens, we will have reached the ultimate harmony and alignment with our Mother Earth, our Source, Creator and God. Now that is real harmony and harmony for one and for all. For more information on how to achieve this, please check out my books:

Dare to Imaginedare to imagine cover


Beyond Imagination.Beyond Imagination book cover

Happy Friday!



#spirituality #daretoimagine #beyondimagination #globaloneness #health

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