Meditation is a powerful tool to help with the process of enlightenment, transformation and healing. It is also the ultimate tool and bridge to God and the Universe.
Many studies have been done about the medical, emotional, psychological benefits of meditation. In addition, many religions have some form of meditation in them including the Catholic religion. Some of the early Catholic Saints were quite adroit at meditation like Teresa of Avila.
Although we can get great health benefits and live a more productive life by doing meditation, the ultimate goal of meditation is for the individual to establish oneness with God and the Universe.
Most people are happy with it as a tool to just release stress and feel peaceful and there is nothing wrong with that. However, meditation can do much more than that and even change your perception and open your eyes to a whole new reality.
There are thousands of meditation technique out there and it is hard to know which to choose. Some of the more common ones include Zen Meditation, Vipassana Meditation and Transcendental Meditation. Others techniques that work on the Chakras and Kundalini include Kundalini Meditation, Kriya Yoga, and I AM Meditation.
My favorite ones include Vipassana Meditation, Kriya Yoga and I AM Meditation. Vipassana Meditation was the type Buddha used to reach enlightenment. Kriya Yoga was brought to the world by the avatar, Babaji. Yogananda brought it to the west as a powerful tool to reach God in the most intimate way. I AM meditation is the technique which Amma has taught her swamis and she offers training to anyone at a nominal fee. Sri Nithyananda teaches a chakra type meditation practice.
No one technique is better than another. They all serve their purpose and it depends on the individual on where they are in their consciousness and life journey. One system may be good at one point in life and another may be more appropriate at a later point.
I have been meditating for quite some time and have been on a relentless pursuit of the spiritual truth- I wanted to better understanding God and the Cosmos. I have been trying to perfect my ability to connecting to the Universe for many years and have prayed over and over again for some help in doing that. After many years of search, meditation and prayers, the Universe blessed me with knowledge of a new system I call U.U.M.M. ( United Universal Meditation Method). I do this daily in the morning and do either that or Vipassana Meditation in the evening. It has enriched my life in a very deep and profound way.
It is a type of Chakra meditation method but different than anything out there. The purpose of it is for unity with God, the Cosmos, Mother Earth and all of humanity and creation. I unveil that technique in my latest book- Beyond Imagination. The more I do this technique, the more I am connected to that Cosmic and Divine reality. Each year my consciousness evolves further as my practice deepens.
This week I was prompted to help my friend with her meditation practice. I have taught this person several times before but there was a definite divine nudge to spend some time with her this week to help her gain more mastery on her technique. I had taught her the beginning level of my system. This week we worked on a heart chakra meditation technique of my U.U.M.M. system. When we were done, I had a Divine Vision and there was a clear message from the Universe that my friend had an extraordinary experience. I later asked my friend how her meditation was and she said it was great. She further said she began to even see colors like green and blue.
Incidentally, green is the color of the heart chakra. Blue is the color of the throat chakra. She was beginning to have Divine experiences and the doors of the cosmic reality was beginning to open up to her. Bear in mind, my friend is not visual at all. She has a very hard time visualizing anything. She also knows nothing about chakras and very little about spirituality. She was quite happy and I know she has great potential to grow even further. I know I can help her reach her goal of connecting with God in a more intimate way based on her unique religious context. Meditation is not a religion but a tool for any religion to enable people to reach God in their own context. Meditation is a gift from God to reach him when we are ready.
Beware of people who say that meditation or even yoga are evil or from the devil. Those people usually have no clear idea what meditation and yoga are all about. Others don’t want people to learn it because of their own ego or need to control others to stay in their group or church. Those people will keep you in your spiritual slumber or coma. Incidentally, Yoga is beyond getting a nice ab or looking and feeling good. They are the tools to help one with their meditation practice and ultimately, it is about how to have union with God or the Supreme Consciousness. It is about the harmony of the body, mind and spirit. True Yogis have that cosmic connection like Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Babaji and many others including our own beloved Peter Mt. Shasta.
All great spiritual masters, gurus, spiritual teachers, enlightened beings are meditators including Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, the Dalai Lama, Yogananda, Sathiya Sai Baba, Amma, Deepak Chopra, Oprah, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Teresa of Avila and many other Catholic mystics, etc.
Learn to meditate today to begin your journey to awaken from your spiritual sleep. Soon you find yourself on the path to freedom, empowerment and God. You can learn more by reading Beyond Imagination or listening to your heart of heart to what you should do next or what method would be appropriate for your needs at this time.
Namaste! Sat Sri Akal!
Om shanti, shanti, shantihi!
Wishing all of you a beautiful, glorious and divine day!!!