I recently went back to Mt. Shasta with a friend and a relative. It is a very special place and is a spiritual mecca for many seekers and as well spiritual masters. It was the birth place of my book Beyond Imagination. It was at the sacred mountain where I had my first mystical experiences. It is also a place where many others including my own guru had his mystical experiences.
There are reports of paranormal activity on or around the mountain from UFO sightings, to beams of lights, to interdimensional beings or Ascended Masters like Saint Germain, Kwan Yin, the Maha Chohan, etc.
Some say Mt. Shasta is the root chakra of the planet while others say it is a portal and has many special energetic vortexes. Whatever one wants to call it, there is something mystical and magical about this sacred mountain. Some say this is the place where you can be the closest to God.
The drive up the mountain is beautiful and serene. The view from various points are simply spectacular. If you are lucky enough, you may see the famous lenticular clouds. They are such a extraordinary sight to see.
Once you are on the mountain, all worries seem to disappear and your concept of time seem irrelevant.
After feasting my eyes at the various vista points including Ski Bowl, I decided to go down the mountain. I stopped by Bunny Flats to use the facilities before the big drive down. I met a younger man in his twenties who was somewhat disheveled standing by the roadside. He overheard me talking to my friend about Ascension Rock so he kindly gave me directions. He politely asked if he could possibly hitch a ride with us along with his dog. I was somewhat reluctant at first but tuned into him and felt a certain purity in his heart. I decided to offer him and his canine friend a ride down.
We stopped by Ascension Rock on our way down. As we approached the sacred rocks, we saw a small group of people doing Tai Chi there. It was so calm and serene to see their movement flow so perfectly with the energy of the sacred rocks. After the group was done, my friend and I climbed up to one of the peaks of Ascension Rock. We began to meditate. I could feel a certain whirl of energy ascend from the rock through me.
It was quite an uplifting and extraordinary experience. My perception began to open and I could feel and see various energetic presence around with great clarity. It was like a spiritual HD experience. I also felt a very strong presence of the the Christ Conscious Energy. I also tuned into a energetic presence of a lion in one of the stones. Suddenly, we were blessed with a light rain shower. It was so refreshing and purifying. The strange thing is that it seemed to only rain around the area where we were. It was a beautiful and Divine experience.
After that, we decided to go to Mount Shasta City Park Headwaters. Strangely enough, that was exactly where our new friend wanted to go as well.
The Headwaters are the point where the water flows out of one of the aquifers from inside the Mountain and begins its journey to connecting with the three rivers in the area including the Sacramento River. The water is so pure and full of life force. Many come from all over to fill up with this special and sacred water which taste so pure.
After I got my share of some of the sacred water, I was surprised to see our new friend beckon us to come and see a diagram he drew at some earlier time. He slowly unrolled and laid out two of his pictures on the floor. One was his beautiful diaphragm of the sacred geometry of the tree of life. The other was a picture of a lion. He said he wanted to share it to us because he overheard what I had perceived at Ascension Rock. He went on to explain his diagram in a very mystical and poetic way that was profound but yet amusing. On the top of his diagram, he wrote that Ascension Rock had Christ Conscious Energy.
My friend and I were flabbergasted by this Divine revelation from this person who appeared to be a vagabond. What he wrote and drew was exactly what I had perceived. He was deeply grateful for the ride down the mountain as well as our stop over at Ascension Rock. His sharing of his artwork and diagram was his way of saying thank you. He later also gave me a small sliver of obsidian stone as a gift. I was greatly touched by this Divine Being who is so humble but yet so full of love and gratitude. Today was truly a day of synchronicity.
God’s Divine Spark of Light is within all of Creation and within all creatures great and small. Let us not judge people by how they look for we are all divine expressions of God and deserve love, compassion and respect. How we treat others and ourselves is how we treat God. Learn to allow Love to be the guiding force for all your thoughts, emotions and actions. When we do that, we are always guided to where we need to be and who we need to meet.
Wishing all of you infinite love and blessings!
Blake Sinclair