Safety is one of the most important things to take care of once our basics needs are met according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Safety comes at different level sometimes because of our ego driven civilization. As long as people are allowing their dysfunctional ego to guide their actions, there will always be some threat to our safety. Some places are safer to live than others. Some of the safest places to live include Iceland, Denmark, Austria, New Zealand and Japan according to GPI ( global peace index). If we don’t live in a safe place like the above, what can we do to to ensure our safety? Below are some some tips on how to increase your safety so that you can pursue your dreams without worry or fear.
長生きと不死 Longevity and Immortality (A special edition Japanese Version)
文明の始まりより、人々は執拗に不老不死への道を探求してきた。 聖書によれば、ある者は何百年も生き、969歳、果ては1000歳という記述がある。『アセンション』の著者、スーザン・シャムスキーは、中国人のリー・チン・ユン師は少なくとも250歳まで生きたと書いている。 ユン師は、500歳のタオイストに出会い、古代から伝わる長寿の方法を習ったとあり、バ・クア(八卦掌)という運動がその秘訣だと答えている。私はこの方法をよく知っている。 私のカンフーの恩師がスタジオで毎日これを練習していたからだ。その恩師は、何年たっても外見が変わらず、チャイナタウンを快活に闊歩していた。となれば、その話もまんざら嘘ではないと思う。
ユン師は又、山中で、薬草採取をする男に出会ったとも言っている。この男はとても早足で歩き、精悍で、ゴジの実を集めていたそうだ。 ユン師は先人に習い従って、長寿を成し遂げたのだ。 ニューヨークタイムズ紙が1933年5月6日に“驚異的な250歳の男”の死亡記事を掲載している。
Paving the Way for World Peace
Last Sunday, I watched a spiritual double feature at home-Awake – The Life of Yogananda and Dalai Lama Awakening. These two incredible films are about two amazing spiritual iconic figures that have influenced my life greatly. Yogananda has influenced my pursuit of God in the most intimate ways. Meanwhile, his Holiness has moved me to love, have compassion and to serve others. He has also taught me to always embrace the inner child and always be comfortable to allow him to come forth and play.
Both of these wonderful and amazing saints have taught us much about spirituality and the art of living. However, after watching the film- Dalai Lama Awakening, I have come to realize the complexities to solving the world’s problems. In this documentary film, many of the great minds and innovative thinkers were invited to meet with the Dalai Lama to share what they thought were solutions to the world problems. As these brilliant minds began to gather and put their minds together, conflict ensued. Soon this gathering became a room filled with testosterone and ego.
Last night I had the strangest dream
Last night I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I was invited to eat with some friends at a local diner somewhere outside of the United States. As I entered the restaurant, I looked at the menu that was on the wall but had no clue what everything was. It was written in English but it was obvious that they were all slang names that only the locals knew what they were. It appear that I was in a place that was similar to Ireland.
As I asked what each item on the menu was but I was surprised to find out that they were all some type of unhealthy form of carbohydrate. It was all unhealthy carbs that were deep fried. There was nothing on the menu that appealed to me. I was looking for some healthy protein.Then one of the patrons yelled out to me to get the organic tabla. Finally something organic and healthy to eat; at least that was what I thought. Everyone in the diner burst out laughing because they said it was an organic table.
A Special Gift of Holistic Healing Awareness for Our Animal Friends, Family and Companions
This post is a special gift to our Divine animal family and friends and the humans who care for them.
Millions of us have a dog, cat, or other animal(s) as a companion or a friend. They bring us so much joy and happiness through their unconditional love. Their love for us is so powerful that they often risk their lives to save and protect ours. Such love, sacrifice and loyalty seems more Divine and angelic in quality than mere friends and companions.
They seem more like angels than animals here on earth. They love, give, and serve like angelic beings. However, when these Divine canine and feline friends or family members are injured, most of the times we are at lost and don’t know what to do other than bring them to a animal hospital. Surely there must be more that we can do for our Divine Angelic friends before or after they receive medical care. Indeed there is, through holistic healing and interspecies communication skills.
Dare to Imagine a Brand New World: a message of hope and empowerment
Once upon time, there was a boy who was bullied, beat up and lied to. He was told that he would never amount to anything and he even suffered all sorts of mental, emotional verbal abuse by the dysfunctional and toxic adults and teachers in his life. It didn’t take long before this young boy began to live a very dark, gloomy and dismal life.
Each day he lived, was another day in hell. He lived in a sea of negativity, toxicity and chaos. Each day he felt like he was drowning in despair and hopelessness. However, one day he decided to Dare to Imagine how he wanted his life to be despite all the odds that was against him.
When he did that, something magical happened- hope was born. It began to dissolve some of the dark clouds and negativity around and allowed him to feel the greatness within. At that time, he didn’t understand it but he knew that deep down inside that there was a special part of him that longed to come forth. When he hung on to his dream, hope and vision, it became a life raft that saved him from drowning.
Bay Area author’s books and messages of love, hope and global oneness is getting around.
Dare to Imagine continues to sell well since its publication in 2013, especially in San Francisco at the Enlightenment Store.
Beyond Imagination is riding the wave that Dare to Imagine has created. By the end of the month, the books should be in 14 -16 stores and locations throughout the Bay Area including stores in Monterey, Capitola, Mountain View, Walnut Creek, San Francisco, Dublin, Pleasanton, Mount Shasta, Lake Tahoe and Half Moon Bay. It is also found in a store at Portland, Oregon. With the help of Mount Shasta Author’s Guild, the books should make it into even more stores. We may be doing a joint venture in the end of April at the San Mateo New Living Expo. It would give me a chance to meet and greet with some of my readers.
Turbocharge your prayer
Many studies have been done that prove that prayer really does work and that positive changes can happen because of it. The movie, Inori: Conversation with something Great, talks a lot about the various scientific studies of prayer. I highly recommend this movie to any spiritual or religious group. It is in Japanese but has English subtitle but the special guest are well worth watching including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, etc. The film was directed and produced by award winning Japanese movie director, Tetsu Shiratori.
Prayer is a common tool used in most if not all religions. It is a tool that we use to connect to God and with each other. Prayer to me is is our way with connecting with each other and God through the Divine Cosmic web of God’s Love, Energy and Consciousness. I see what many people praying but only doing it with lip service. Many of these people do it from an intellectual level with no emotional connection whatsoever. There is nothing wrong with that but I truly believe we can turbo charge and amplify the power and effect of prayer if we just add a few additional steps.
Longevity and Immortality (An Updated Version)
Since the beginning of civilization, there has been a relentless quest for the fountain of youth or an insatiable search for finding methods to prolong our lives. During biblical times, it has been reported that some have lived to be anywhere from several hundred to 969 years old to 1000 years old.
Susan Shumsky, author of Ascension, wrote about a Chinese man- Master Li Ching Yuen-who lived to be at least 250 years of age in her book. Master Yuen learned about the ancient art of longevity one day after he met a 500 year old Taoist. When asked what was his secret, the master replied that he did an ancient exercise called Ba-Kua ( eight trigrams). I am familiar with this method since my former Gung Fu master practiced this everyday in his studio. After so many years, he still looks the same and still full of vitality as I see him walk the streets of Chinatown. Perhaps there is some truth to it.
True Love
What is Love? Is there really true love? That is the million dollar question. Philosophers, religious leaders and corporate America have all tried to define love for us but what is it really? The manufactured love we see on TV, on the big screen and in copious romance and fantasy novels gives us the impression that love is a powerful, blissful, passionate display of emotions; most importantly, it is always romantic. However, with the high divorce rate and breakups with this kind of love, it makes us wonder what love really is and if that one true love really exist.
Love is many things but not about fulfilling our desires, lust and wants. It is not about controlling the object of our affection. It is not conditional and demands for attention.