Prayers, Love and Miracles

Dear friends,

I apologize for being gone for a while but I had a family emergency to deal with.  This next blog summarizes what I have done. I will be blogging intermittently depending on what is going on with my mother-in-law’s, Lola, health.

It has been two weeks since Lola had a stroke but to me it seems more like months since we have spent most of our time at the hospital. In fact, the hospital is like our second home. We have been with Lola since day one and have stayed with her daily to offer her love, support and healing. Each one of us bring in our unique and special skill and talent to aid in the healing process.

Some of us have even taken a medical leave to help Lola through this difficult and challenging time.
It is through our difficult times, we come to realize those that really matter to us and those that really care. I was sad to see the tears that were shed when some people she wanted to see were not able to commit to visiting her at her darkest moments. It broke my heart seeing that. Conversely, it was so refreshing and so touching to see her so overjoyed and happy with the arrival and visit of Bella and so many other beloved family members who came from Guam, Philippines and Canada. She really does appreciate all these visits and support. It was great to connect with a distant friend who is now abroad in the Philippines. She is now a minister and offered to visit Lola when she would come back to the Bay Area. I was deeply touched by her display of love and concern despite her not even knowing Lola that well.
May we always put family first especially in a state of emergency because we never know what twist and turns lie ahead. Life is so fragile and transient. When our time is up or when we give up, we leave.
Also, the elderly  need us especially since they are prone to depression and that can affect the healing process.
After Lola had this major stroke, her life was devastated drastically. Her surgery was somewhat precarious due to her weak heart. As I tuned into her and merged my consciousness with hers in the inner realm, I saw that she was quite sad and was ready to leave this world. Despite our differences, I told her that we all loved her despite everything that may have happened in the past. After that metaphysical connection, I could see and feel her soul changing directions and leaning towards not wanting to leave. The rest was history where we all flooded her with lots of love and support around the clock at her critical time of need. Because of all this, her attitude and demeanor has changed dramatically. Her soul was healed and she morphed into a person of gratitude and she now appreciates everyone that helps her and has learned to complement people. Her awareness of herself and others has expanded quite amazingly.
The last time I did this was when my aunt fell down and hit her head. She instantly went into a coma. Despite the communication in the inner realm, she had made a decision to leave because she knew was going to be a burden if she stayed. Later that day, she died.
Many times it our love that keeps our loved ones with us. Sometimes it is their love for us to move on for our own growth. Other times our loved ones leave because they have completed their mission or learned the lesson they needed to learn. Each way has its purpose.
Sometimes we just have to surrender to the natural process to allow our loved ones to soar to higher heights of consciousness in the heavenly kingdom as they are elevated by our love for them. Sometimes when we love someone, we have to set them free despite the void and pain we may feel.
It has been an extremely exhaustive rehabilitative process but it has also been quite rewarding.
Many of you have been following Lola’s recovery and journey each week and have been committed to giving us your ongoing prayers, love and support.
Some of you may have noticed the correlation between your prayer and Lola’s progress which has been nothing less than a miracle. Without further adieu, I would like to give you an update on her progress.
Lola continues to make amazing and extraordinary progress in such a short time. The last time I posted, I asked you all to pray for her ability to improve in bed mobility, functional transfers, ability to move her arm and leg better and the ability to eat.
I am so happy to say she took a modified barium swallow test this week and passed it. She can now begin to eat and drink orally. She has started to eat pureed food and nectar thick liquids. She is actually doing quite well with it.
She continues to show steady improvement in the awakening of muscles on her left arm, elbow, forearm and wrist. She had trace movements in a few of her fingers.
She has moderately better volitional control of her left leg. She is moving her hip, knee and ankle with moderate increased strength.
The greatest improvement is her ability to turn in bed. She can now turn to the left with minimal assistance and minimal to moderate assistance to the right. She can now get up on the edge of the bed with moderate assistance. She is helping to transfer herself from the bed to wheelchair and vice versa with the therapist.
She is starting to walk with the physical therapist and has even walked a distance of 30 feet a few times. She needs less assist to advance her left leg. In fact, the physical therapist will be trying her out on a platform walker tomorrow. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Things are looking pretty good considering how it was two weeks ago where her life was in critical condition after she had a heart attack following the surgery to remove the clot that caused this major stroke; she was essentially bedridden and required total care for all self-care and mobility. She had no muscle movement on the left side of the body and had no awareness of her left visual field.
Despite her remarkable progress, there are more hurdles to negotiate along the way. She is still on the ng tube feeding to ensure that she is getting enough nutrition. If she eats enough food, she can have the ng tube removed and hopefully in the very near future.
Thank you all so much for all your ongoing love, support and prayers. We are 1/4 out of the woods and things are progressing well because of our combined efforts. I am asking for your ongoing support to get her to the next major phase of recovery which is extremely important in shaping the direction of the options she will have in life.
If you can make your prayers even more specific and visualize the outcome of her improvement, I know we can help her head towards greater quality of life and have much more options in life.
Let’s visualize and pray that she is weaned off the nasogastric tube feedings, walks with platform walker with greater awareness and strength, transfers with moderate assistance to avoid the nurses from using the lift to get her out of the bed, begin moving her left arm much more and start moving left hand and fingers. Also pray that in the next few weeks that she can advance to thin liquids and to a mechanical soft diet. Pray also that she improves in her endurance and attention span.
May the unity of our love, compassion and prayer bring about another miraculous milestone in Lola’s life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
#miracles #blakesinclair #beyondimagination #daretoimagine

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