Psychics and Intuitives

Some people have a misconception that psychics are evil or bad; many think these individuals are connected to the dark forces. Hence, many have chosen to call themselves Intuitives to gain more acceptance.

Others view psychics as some type of  Divine medium with the definitive view of the future.

I have met many psychics throughout my life and even know one of the best psychics in the world who has been consulted by presidential figures, politicians and many celebrities.

When I was young, a famous psychic came to the City to give a talk but when he was done with his speech, he came to the crowd and offered free readings. I was curious and poked my head through the crowd. The psychic looked at me and said that I would live a long life and I would be very conscious about  taking care of myself and will take all sorts of vitamins and further stated that I one day I would  develop something very special for many people. At the time,  I dismissed what he said as a joke since I was just a youngster and was a junk food junky and had no interest in health whatsoever. However, his predictions proved to be true decades later as I emerged from my spiritual and nutritional awakening and became much more aware of true health and well-being. Also, through the blessings and guidance of the Universe,  a new meditation system was born- U.U.MM.( United Universal Meditation Method ). This is a powerful system that can heal, transform and establish that oneness and communion with the Universe and Cosmos.

I have met many psychics including various internationally recognized ones as well. It can be quite amazing and insightful on what information or vision a good psychic can share. Many are very accurate and spot on. However, I have met some who are way off even though they are so-called internationally recognized Intuitive with thousands of followers and authors of multiple books.

Psychics are not better or worse than an average person. They are gifted people who have a special ability. Many are spiritual and Divine but some are not.

The bottom line is that there good ones and bad ones out there as well as frauds.  Use your discernment and discretion when consulting and choosing one.

When consulting one, keep an open mind and realize that the future is ever-changing. The choices we make moment by moment can affect our future.

Also, beware of psychics who tell you that you were a famous person. The chance of that is probably slim. The problem is some  people I have met have heard from a psychic that they were a certain famous person and soon it gets into their head and ego. Soon they are more concerned about an incarnation that they may or may not have been. A faulty reading can lead one to a lost path and lead to the path of the ego and will do much more harm in the true path of spirituality.

Having a psychic ability is a gift. Anyone can have it from a priest, spiritual leader, a house wife or a professional psychic or intuitive. Some are connected to the Source but some are connected to dark forces or lower level Gods ( those entities who are God or Ascended Master wannabes). Many tap onto the cosmic highway. So much discretion must be used in consulting one. The psychic’s emotional state, maturity and ego affect the purity of accuracy with the reading.

Consulting a psychic is like checking one’s Google map GPS for guidance for directions. If you scroll forward on the screen, you can see the traffic patterns and know what you will be dealing with so you can make a choice to take an alternate route to avoid delay. It is a sneak preview of all the road patterns ahead of you in the virtual future although it can be quite accurate with the live updates that is not always present in many basic GPS. Although consulting with a good psychic can be insightful and helpful in the beginning, it is not a path that our Creator or God had intended for us to rely on for our every decision.

The true spiritual path is about empowerment and God realization.That path leads us to finding the great truths within ourselves and tapping into our own GPS ( God’s Presence, from the Source). This is also called the I AM Presence, Divine Spark of Light or Higher Self. The path to that is to live a life of harmony that is full of love, light of God, compassion, forgiveness, service, etc. It also requires a depth of meditation, prayer and devotion. It goes beyond the scope of the blog to go into the details of how to do all this but you can get more information from my latest book-Beyond Imagination. You can purchase a copy of my book at my site or

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