Once upon time, there was a boy who was bullied, beat up and lied to. He was told that he would never amount to anything and he even suffered all sorts of mental, emotional verbal abuse by the dysfunctional and toxic adults and teachers in his life. It didn’t take long before this young boy began to live a very dark, gloomy and dismal life.
Each day he lived, was another day in hell. He lived in a sea of negativity, toxicity and chaos. Each day he felt like he was drowning in despair and hopelessness. However, one day he decided to Dare to Imagine how he wanted his life to be despite all the odds that was against him.
When he did that, something magical happened- hope was born. It began to dissolve some of the dark clouds and negativity around and allowed him to feel the greatness within. At that time, he didn’t understand it but he knew that deep down inside that there was a special part of him that longed to come forth. When he hung on to his dream, hope and vision, it became a life raft that saved him from drowning.