To Kill A Mockingbird Ego

BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA 2Ego is not a welcomed guest in the house of  the spiritual masters. It prevents us from finding our true self and keeps us trapped in the world of illusion. Some may ask if it is possible not to have an ego because if we didn’t have one, we would be able to manifest more miraculous things  in our lives. Unfortunately, when we were given our life, our ego was part of the package deal.

Having an ego is not necessary a bad thing. Everything we have in our body and consciousness was put there for a reason. We need an ego to have a sense of self and others. The problem is when it becomes dysfunctional or out of control. When it does, we may think we are God separate from God. We think in terms of us against them. We may succumb to our desires, lust and wants.

The dysfunctional ego is all about  what’s in it for me, me, me. When I refer to ego this is what I am referring to. It is like a mockingbird that mimics. It mimics our true nature so we are misled to trust it and are guided to the path that leads to the absence of the light. It is like a shadow of our true self. Many people listen or follow their hearts but are actually tuning in to the mockingbird ego and are misguided in a path that is opposite of their destiny or dharma. So how do we get rid of it? Is there an egoectomy? If it did exist, we would end up like a zombie. So what can we do?

Although we can’t kill this mockingbird ego, we can integrate it better. I have met many spiritual masters in my life but many still have egos. It is hard not to. However, I have met  or seen a few that  have their ego under control or integrated. We call these individuals egoless. Some of these people include Amma, the famous Indian Hugging Saint, the Dalai Lama, Paramahansa Yogananda, Sai Baba and our very own Peter Mt. Shasta. They live to serve and give to humanity. Others include Mother Teresa, Thích Nhất Hạnh and Teresa of Avila.

The best way to deal with the ego is not to attack it but to accept that is a part of you. It exist in a way to challenge your growth. What we need to do is learn how to better integrate it and help create the necessary harmony to help us find our true self. It is a continuous process that can take years to master but the benefits are priceless and eternal.

Although it goes beyond the scope of this blog to cover this complex subject, I will give some good tools to  help you get started on your journey. Learning and applying all the concepts of my two books will give you all the tools to help you to put your dysfunctional  ego in a hibernated state.

The best way to tame the mockingbird ego is to fill your heart and mind with Divine Love, compassion, joy and harmony. Realize we all exist as one Divine Family and begin to think from the context of us instead  of we against them. Stop judging people and learn to have more tolerance and acceptance of others despite any differences. Learn to find the common thread that connects all of  us.

Realize that God is omnipresent and is  in all matters of the Universe and in all of creation. All of life is precious and deserves to thrive and evolve to become closer to our Creator.

Meditation, prayer, devotion and service are extremely important tools that lulls our ego to a blissful sleep.

Ultimately, it is our oneness with that Divine Presence within that sheds the light which cast away the shadow that hides our true self. Where there is light, there is an absence of darkness. In the fullness of the illumination of our heart to the Divine Spark of light or I AM Presence, our true self is then revealed to us. When we learn to tune into it and follow its prompting, we allow God to guide us towards our destiny and dharma towards the path of Divine Light, Consciousness and Love.

Once we are one with our Source completely,the mockingbird  ego magically disappears to give birth to a new a Divine Being which some call a Christ Conscious and God Realized Being. Wishing you success with inviting your mockingbird ego to take an extended or permanent blissful vacation. When all our egos can finally go on that extended vacation, we can finally have world peace and harmony.

Namaste! Sat Sri Akal!

Love, Blake Sinclair





2 thoughts on “To Kill A Mockingbird Ego

    • Nancy,

      your welcome! Thank you for reading my blog! Please check out my other blogs as well.

      Warm regards,


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