Where is God? Could this be the face of God?

20160819_132903Since the dawn of mankind, our early ancestors have tried to tackle this huge and question complex question. Cultures varied on how they dealt with this enigma.  Most felt that God was up in the heavens which many felt were up above the clouds somewhere.

People began worshiping the sun as a God since it was the source of creation on the planet.

Others believed that there were Gods in the heavenly kingdom with various roles. The Japanese people believe that Divinity exist in nature. The Chinese believe in the Tao. Some believe it is a philosophy where others see it as the ultimate truth or way. The Tao seems to be this cosmic, intelligent and  Divine  energy or principle that governs the Universe. By understanding its’ principles and practicing  the various esoteric methods, Taoist Monks or practitioners have been able to attain longevity or even immortality. Dr. Wayne Dyer even felt that  God and the Tao were the same.

During the early civilization, it was difficult for many people to grasp and relate to the omnipresent and somewhat elusive and abstract nature of God and hence many made idols of what they thought God would look like so that they can better relate. Hence, the birth of idolatry.

During the early Egyptian civilization, monotheism began with one of the great Pharaohs-Akhenaten. The Rosicrucian Order have ties to this great and somewhat mystical Pharaoh.

The Old Testament portrayed God as somewhat of authoritative figure. On the contrast,  the Gospel showed the grace and forgiving side of God. The interesting and one of the most important stories of the Bible is the birth of Jesus the Christ. His birth and life was very important in shaping the future of humanity in being the bridge between man and God. The Bible describes him as a son of God but goes further in correlating him, God and the Holy Spirit as one; this is what is known as the Trinity. This concept is often  daunting to many theologians to explain.

Though Jesus was extremely important, there were others ( who were avatars like him) who also came before and after him to help humanity to reconnect to Source from different perspectives. Such Avatars include but are not limited to Babaji, Buddha, Yogananda, Sai Baba and Krishna.

Although the teachings of Jesus were quite revolutionary at its superficial level, many scholars, spiritual masters and mystics are beginning to unravel the deeper teachings of Jesus the Christ. 

Then in the 70s came the  New Age. People began talking about how Divinity was within us and how we were even God. It is no wonder  why so many people find it hard to understand or even believe in God.

Let’s go back to Jesus for some answers. Jesus once said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” This is a very powerful sentence but unfortunately it has been used more  to divide than unite humanity to God which was the original plan.

I believe what Jesus said may  have been grossly misunderstood. When Jesus said that, he said it from the perspective of Divinity. He was not speaking in terms of himself as a man but as a Divine Being. He was trying to teach the greatest and most important teachings of the Universe-the sacred I AM teachings. Moses had his first encounter with God in the form of a burning bush. He asked what he should call God. God replied that his name was I AM That I AM.  This is the name of all names.

Whenever we say it we activate God’s Divine Presence, name and Consciousness. When Jesus said it, he meant that the only way to his Father is by understanding this concept and by being one with the  I AM Presence within us. Jesus was the full manifestation of God and Christ Consciousness. He was truly God in action completely through his full surrender to the I AM Presence within. God, I AM That I AM, Tao, Divine Consciousness are all different names of God. It is through God’s breath and Consciousness that our reality was created.

In the beginning was the word, the word was with God. The word was God and that sacred word is I AM. Through his cosmic Consciousness and Web, all of creation, all matters of the Universe  are all imbued with an individual I AM Presence of God. Once we spend time to gain mastery, we can become a God realized and Christ Conscious Being. We collectively are expressions of God Consciousness.

A young Avatar was once asked  if he could  show the villagers where God was. He would be given a few fruits for finding God. He responded that he would give them more if they would tell him where God was not.

God is the ultimate truth and reality.  In India. the Sikhs greet each other with Sat Sri Akal which translates as God is the ultimate truth. The Hindus greet each other with Namaste which translates as the Divinity within me greets the Divinity within you. I hope by now you will realize the greatness of God and how he or she is in all matters of the Universe from the microscopic to the macroscopic Universe.

God’s Love and Consciousness is the glue that holds all matters and particles together. You can learn more about the secrets of the Universe and the path to the truth  from my latest book-Beyond Imagination.

Wishing you all infinite love and blessings!



Note about the above picture:

My friend,Swaroop, took this picture of a nebula from his high-resolution telescope and framed it for me as a gift. The glass broke and I took it to a frame shop to repair. As we were rotating the picture to find which side was going to be up, I was flabbergasted to see a profile of a face. Did he capture one face of  God?

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